Throttle position sensor issue

My bike was surging and stumbling at neutral throttle ( between acceleration and deceleration ) at all speeds.
Thanks to Warp9.9 I used TuneECU to reset the adaptives and now it runs like new.

All this started with extreme ambient temp changes. Cold mornings to very warm afternoons.
The bike performance gradually became worse. To the point that I was afraid to ride it thinking I may cause serious damage.

Warp was kind enough to offer to overnight the TPS off of his other Rocket. That is real friendship. I am indebted to the man.

He has my deepest respect.:cool:

A new TPS runs from $110.00 to $160.00 before tax/ shipping.

Daz when you order the TPS order TPS # T 1245113 It should have blue inards where the brass trhottle arm goes into. If not its a old one which is known to be dodgy.

Hi All,

New Primary TPS is fitted, and idle bug has gone away.
As Warp has said, the new TPS has blue internals. In the UK, they retail at £89.89 inc VAT
I got mine from Webbs Triumph, Lincoln UK.
I ordered it tuesday afternoon and it was in on Wednesday morning.
They have alos priced me up all the bits i need for the clutch to overcome the fault there at about £100.

I fitted the new TPS with Tunecu, and it went fairly easy, i just should have read the instructions, as i followed the process, set the TPS to 0.6v, then went to the next stage and expected it to go upto 0.72V which it did not, so i panicked for a bit before i read that you have to adjust it till it reaches 0.72v.

Whilst i was in the ECU i upped the rev limiter to 6500rpm, and the speed limiter to 150MPH (i dunno if this will make a toss worth of difference)

I also opened up all the secondary butterflies to 100%.

Having had a few blasts, the idle bug is deffo gone, and i will change all the settings back to stock, as with the secondaries all open, the bike is just too twitchy round town.

That aside, many thanks to you all for your help!!!

It's very easy to replace and tuneboy is very user friendly. Only trouble I had was installing the drivers for the cable from computer to bike. Take your time and follow directions.
Job done and found no crap on it

Mine was gunked up, but I cleaned and reinstalled it, still have the high idle issue exactly as described by lots of others. Think I'm gonna just replace the TPS. I see references in this thread to using TuneECU, I have Tuneboy so anticipate it's a similar process for the calibration after replacement. Will post once I get it done. Now to search for the lowest price on a TPS in the US...
New issue. The bike was stumbling in 1st, 2nd and 3rd on acceleration. I checked the throttle body balance, Good ! I checked the ISCV, Good! So I reset that and the adaptives. Bike ran great for about 50 miles then the problem came back. Speedy said that it sounds like the TPS but it hasnt idled high. Low sometimes but not long.
What do you guys think?