HI Everyone!
Thanks for all your replies so far.
Im buying the cable recommended on the tuneECU website later this week, and then will be going mad with some WD40 checking and oiling everything to make sure its all well, and having a look at the crank sensor for bits of metal.
Just a few more questions, then i think i will be done. As i understand it, the dodgy TPS are reostats and the replacements are variable resistors. Is this correct?
Also, if i do have one thats getting a bit iffy, will it show up on tune ecu as a sticky voltage change as i open the throttle? what i mean is rather than a smooth increase in voltage as the TPS moves, would it pause at a figure and then jump, or something like that, or am i just over thinking this?
I never had the fault at cold, i would start the bike, it would run on high revs till warm, then drop down again, but once on the road, when the engine had got hot, it would then develop the fast idle.
Turning off the ignition and restarting wouldnt get rid of it, as as soon as you went over 2-2.5k rpm it would stick again, but if when waiting at trafiic lights, you gave it a good few blips of the throttle, it would drop down again until you got going and got back above 2-2.5k.
Thanks for sharing all your wisdom with me chaps!!!