Thrilled and terrified!

Congrats, "Russel day long" does seats by measurement if you have the scratch, they have a web site and i've read they're better than corbin for the money.
Replacing the rear shockies is a very simple job .. maybe order some 1 inch shorter than stock rear shockies and see how you go. Having another inch or so of the foam taken off the seat (replace it with half an inch of memory or gel ) you may be surprised just how much a difference that actually makes. Mittzy has 1 inch shorter than stock HAGON Nitro shocks on his Roadster. You having a 2008 model is good .. got the higher footpeg rails. Newer Roadsters have lower rails and are less suitable to lower.
You're welcome bro. I'm just suggesting what I do before a DIY project. Seeing it on video helps me 1000 times more than reading it.
You are the only Captain I've ridden with that can dangle their feet down beside the bike at 60 mph without fear of getting your leg torn off...if you couldn't help he's in a world of $hit :D
:roll: Now I know I've officially joined the boys' club... Guess it's time to upgrade the boobs to "certified chesticles" I do love my "cc"s:x3:
Hagon makes a HD version of their Nitro shocks, I purchased a shorter set for my R3T and despite the hassle in getting them I love them. I had the forks dropped to match. I probably have a 29" inseam and sit flat footed with the stock seat. Try the shocks and then if that is not enough try looking for someone locally that can reshape your seat. Here in FL there is a company called A Sweet Seat that redid my passenger perch (for the misses) as well as enlarged the backrest since she kept accusing me of trying to throw her off the bike.... :whitstling:
:roll: Now I know I've officially joined the boys' club... Guess it's time to upgrade the boobs to "certified chesticles" I do love my "cc"s:x3:
Sorry, I didn't realize you were not a bro. That's ok we need more sisters in the wind. I'm impressed that such a small woman is willing to tame such a big bike :thumbsup:. Keep the shiny side up.
Sorry, I didn't realize you were not a bro. That's ok we need more sisters in the wind. I'm impressed that such a small woman is willing to tame such a big bike :thumbsup:. Keep the shiny side up.
Steel, did'k know you were such a gentleman:eek::eek::eek: