Thinking of installing night vision camera/display


.040 Over
May 9, 2012
came in close proximity with a deer late night last weekend.Thinking of installing a night vision camera and display .What do you guys think what kind of night vision camera and kinda focus will work best(wide angle/long range).How would bike headlight/oncoming traffic headlight affect the night vision camera performance.Looking for product recomendations.
came in close proximity with a deer late night last weekend.Thinking of installing a night vision camera and display .What do you guys think what kind of night vision camera and kinda focus will work best(wide angle/long range).How would bike headlight/oncoming traffic headlight affect the night vision camera performance.Looking for product recomendations.

that is a lot of money and efforts for something I believe is not what will save you from an encounter of the deer kind

if the deer is already in your path as you approach , at night your speed should be low enough that you could swerve around it or better stop and shoo it away but most likely the deer is on the side of the road out of your field of vision and you cannot see with or without a night vision camera then as you approach, generally at the last second it get spooked and jump right in your path or close enough to cause an accident by then your camera will be useless
I live in deer country and I have seen this scenario countless time, but it is your time and money
that is a lot of money and efforts for something I believe is not what will save you from an encounter of the deer kind

if the deer is already in your path as you approach , at night your speed should be low enough that you could swerve around it or better stop and shoo it away but most likely the deer is on the side of the road out of your field of vision and you cannot see with or without a night vision camera then as you approach, generally at the last second it get spooked and jump right in your path or close enough to cause an accident by then your camera will be useless
I live in deer country and I have seen this scenario countless time, but it is your time and money

I wish I wouldve wrote that! ...that was beautiful ! ;)

An animal standing quietly on side of road at night. Headlight approaches, causing sudden appearance of shadow alongside animal. Animal spooks, jumps away from the shadow. Bingo.....

They don't worry about shadow in daytime, it's there all the time. It's the sudden appearance that does it at night.

If there's a cow standing on the road at night & you try to creep slowly past it, it will weave backwards & forwards in front of you. Watch it closely - it's dodging the shadow.

No. Switching off your headlight is not recommended..........
Stupid animals don't associate the scary noise with the source of the light. Kangaroos do the same thing; they'll bound along a road in front of you for as long as that's where they can see. Unless you're still going fast sometimes the only way to get them out of the way is the switch the headlights off (and sound the horn) - which unfortunately is generally not an option on a bike. Hadn't thought of them trying also get away from their own shadows but that makes sense.

Night vision probably won't help you at all as far as I can tell. Best option with roos at least seems to be to scare them before they see the light ie with a hi pitched noise. Trouble is they often still see the light as their escape and jump back to the road.

Sensible speed and caution your best option. Or, as TC says, take a chance and run into them. ;)
I often wondered if those deer whistles you can attach to your car would work on a bike........basically the wind flows thru the whistle creating the high pitched noise.....
not sure if the bikes pipes would mask this...something to ponder :cool:

A mates got one of those whistles on his Rocket down in South Australia. Lives out in wheat country ... f#ckin roo central. He hit a big roo shortly after getting his Rocket ,he paid cash ... no insurance (another story). Fitted the roo whistle 4 or 5 years ago and he reckons he hasn't had a roo come anywhere near him since. Rode with him out to his hideout once , roos in the paddocks everywhere. It was just on dusk and he was sitting on 130 -140 khp.. i just stayed on his taillight and hoped for the best :eek: