Theres Dyno s and Theres Dyno s


.060 Over
Dec 10, 2012
04 rocket 3 trippleK N s (4040) exposed, remapped,deresticted. straight out multiple exhaust
Just had another Dyno test on a my 04 Rocket, tripple K.N.s and , custom 3 into 1 high flow exhaust, tune E.C.U. to bring it back in A/F ratios across the range.secondaries and restrictions removed from intakes and set equally accross all gears . Found that if using an enertia type dyno its as much as 1.7 times exagerated, compared to the (race real time) brake load dyno. according to my research the enertia dyno reads 120 calculating time and distance in standard trim . With a real time brake load dyno now becoming more common, used for race work, reads the same bike at 97 h.p.(BOTH READ AT THE REAR WHEEL.) With my mods from standard I now have 121. hp. and 510 newtons (equates to what actually pushes the bike around the track, as in Torque )On the Brake load . On the enertia dyno it is estimated at 150 .h.p.
My point is dont get caught up on dyno h.p. read outs with out being aware of what type of dyno used. Just my opinion as A novice who has shopped around.
would nt have made it to dyno

Would nt have made it to dyno with valves in one piece without hanso s help with multiple re maping of maps , whilst there is always room to improve on a dyno , we ran several runs, logged it all, grinned and shut it down , ready for the 1/4 mile bike drags in the morning.thanks again hanso.
Will keep it as is until sourced a set of cams to spread the newtons peak over a wider rpm range.

Ok, let me understand this.
The dynos that get carted around to bike shows, what kind are those? do they give exaggerated #'s ?
Subtle, What is your real H.P ? Only 121? with all those mods?
to Macrider

stock all rockets classics put out approx 97 the rear wheel(according to brake load dyno s the ones used by factory race teams). with my mods I am putting out 121 b.h.p.. Using an enertia dyno it comes up as just under 150 h.p.The way it was described to me as an novice ,the important factor is using the same dyno each time to log the changes in output from alterations. Rather than the absolute figure alone especially on dyno s that can be set with parameters to figure out estimated torque /h.p. from time and distance calculations as on the enertia dynos . So saying they are no less effective in diagnostic and development work. in the hands of experts are and will continue to be of value.It would be worth asking the tuner if its an enertia type or real time brake load type ,if you are comparing previous tests .At the end of the day the paper print out dosnt alter the pushing you around the track force yourve gained from your tunners improvements.Just my 2 cents worth.

I have a dyno-jet 250i which is a very common eddy current load control type dyno. Worst stock R3 I have tested is 119hp rw. If you have 510nm torque and 97hp , it seems the guy must have a brand of dyno where a "ramp rate" or similar must be entered before testing the bike. If it is entered wrongly your pwr will be down and torque up or vica versa. I speak with other operators who have dyno-dynamics etc and we all see close to the same. A good strong stocker with pipes and filters and a tune will see 210nm of torque at the rear. I recently did a supercharged machine with 332 nm torque which is a LOT believe me, like it will tow away 3 R1's. 510nm , something is wrong I think.
I learnt a few years back that dyno readings can be manipulated when I took my Harley to a guy near me for a check out. After running it through he presented me with some figures that were ok as far as I was concerned - job done.

He then suggested he could get more out of it with some carb and ignition adjustments that would only cost £20 extra - couldn't pass that up, so off he went.

Being a bit sceptical, and unseen by him, I watched through a crack in the door - he walked around the workshop for a while then went through a run again without laying a finger on the bike. When he had finished he brought the read-out to me and the HP can gone up 12 and the torque by 29.

Have never put any of my bikes on a dyno since and would only use one to get good AFR's, the rest is too easily 'smoke and mirrors'.