Also I'm not that far from 40 and I have been nearly killed from heat exhaustion. Tldr, I did not drink much of any water for 3 hours doing concrete work in Ohio on a 101*f day. Ended up in the ER having serious issues.The age of rider has to be considered. The young can endure lots of abuse that older people can't. The miles I daily rode at 100f+ and hotter as a youngster are long gone. A couple of few hours in that heat now at age 62 and I'm whooped.
That article mentioned he was in a group ride with many others. Was he the oldest?
Age sure can factor into it but Imo that's a heath thing more than an age thing. Many factors can sure play a roll here including unknowns to the person effected.
Imo if you trains yourself at your age, you could do just about anything within your limitations. Look at Joe Rogan. His is getting up In age and he just did 76 pushups on a bet. I would be lucky to do 20.
Age is not the real factor, it's what you have let your body become.