Theft in any form is irritating, and the thing is the thieves don't care about anything but what they are after. My trailer was stolen this summer and it was caught and recorded on camera. Did they know they were being taped? ABSOLUTELY. Did they care? NO. Were they in danger of being caught? NO. People that perpetrate these evil acts do it for a living, they care not how much misery they cause as long as they justify it to themselves. The only justice in these circumstances is if they become a Darwin Award winner during a robbery attempt:
"Randy Nestor, 28, was a considerate car thief. When the stolen cars became hot, he didn't just abandon them, he torched them. Setting the cars on fire, he reasoned, helped the owners collect insurance on their vehicles. This criminal habit became his downfall. After a 10-year career of theft, Randy burned to death in Pittsburgh, PA in a van which he had set fire to from the inside. He hadn't realized that the door handle on the driver's side was broken. Friends tried to release him, but the door was locked. His burned body was found inside the van."