The Triumph era is over...for now.

And as of today I have signed my finance contract (after $11,000 down) and will pick it up next Saturday.

My two Triumphs were outstandingly great bikes...I just wanted a touring machine and we'll see how this one works out...Harley gets one chance to impress (with my lowered expectations after having two fast bikes from Triumph).

8 speaker stereo system?

With the proliferation of bluetooth helmet intercom systems, a stereo system on a bike seems like a waste of good money. My wife and I have the Scalarider G4 and we each can listen to something different....

Not a fan of 80s pop and she doesn't like Motorhead.
Might as well drive a cage.....

Great points and I agree 100%. Stereos on bikes are inimical and counter intuitive.
You'd think the sound of that purring mill and the rush of the wind would does for me usually. Bluetooth I Systems are far superior and virtually weightless. I just don't like two wheeled armchair recliners and pimped up HDs remind me of same. Just me I suppose.
I prefer the full surround sound, extra sensory system provided by the mechanicals, exhaust and wind.

Love the "laughing" dogs, Drac, by the way. My Staffy laughs, and he makes me laugh.
Obviously music on a bike is very subjective to each individual rider. I have experienced great sound on a bike especially with my two Gold Wings...they may be "recliners" but they could beat the crap in speed of most bikes on the road when you consider their weight...but they were tourers specifically built for that function.

Myself...I do not like helmet speakers, yes they have great sound as well but since the sound is right at your me...they block too much outside sound that you may need to hear on occasion to warn you that your riding situation may have changed. But that is me personally...if it floats your boat...keep on's just not for me.

But because of the enviornment we ride in if I am going to have a good stereo on my bike then I want great sound not something tinny or that is hard to hear when I'm up cruising in the upper ranges of the speeds I ride in. Obviously since I am buying a Harley...those speeds will be substantially reduced compared to when I rode a Thunderbird or the Rocket...or my Gold Wings for that matter. But I want good exterior sound and the ability to turn it off when I do want to enjoy my trip in silence minus wind noise and the muted sound of my aftermarket HD pipes (I don't do loud obnoxious pipes).

And since I have taken two 2,600 + mile trips in the last 9 months I want my tunes available when needed and off when I desire.

Different strokes for different folks...but that's my two cents worth.
