The Triumph era is over...for now.

Nice Choice seem to be the trend around here that the same bike Jduke replaced his rocket with and he loves it ... and I must say after seeing it up close it is a contender for my next bike. I am holding out one more year for triumph to deliver a real touring Bike. Me and the wife will be purchasing touring bikes for our 50th birthday
Dave???....oh Dave...the guy who bought my bike...I hope he does enjoy it...I will miss riding it...especially since right now I have no bike!

+I think you will like it. Good luck. They handle much better now and have ABS. I had a 2007 Before the frame change and ABS. Nothing sounds better. They are smooth going down the road but still vibrate while stopped. That annoyed me a little as I am use to smooth bikes. Have fun!
There are only 2 Harley varieties that do not vibrate: Softails (counter balanced engine) and the ones that have the engine turned off.
According to Dink at D&D Cycles it appears Triumph is not sure of what they are going to do with the R3T. They don't really sell enough of them to sink a lot of R&D towards designing a fairing, stereo, cruise control (that last I would think would be the easiest to do) and doesn't think it may be around that much longer. The Rocket series of bikes is just a real small part of their overall sales strategy...much to my dismay...that is why I moved to where I did as far as bikes are concerned. And with Harley I am either going to get a real good one or a real bad one...time will tell. In the meantime if Triumph ever does get serious about a real touring bike with that 2300cc engine....then I will happily reconsider.

No riding today Dennis, 15in of the wet stuff and more tomorrow, Oh that's right, you brought it, shudda known. I always knew you were leaning to HD. I didn't want to stir the pot. I know Daryl popped on it just fer kicks too.
Wildwilly has high hopes on Triumph coning thru with a proper touring model and the Triumph rider at Maggie Valley was giving him plenty of winks but I am with you Dennis and I am also surprise'd that Triumph has produced the Rocket line as long as they have as it is a very small market which equals very small (if any) profits, and as triumph are no longer playing with the big boys(in fact since the 60s) they do not have the resources as some do.
I got stuck in Pensacola yesterday. I went to D&D's yesterday and by the time I was read to leave there was no way out (roads were all flooded). I ended up not getting out of there until around 3:00.
The RG is a great bike, I had an 09 that I had punched to a 103, cammed, race tune, etc. It was really nice for touring and trips. I'd still have it if Triumph wouldnt have come out with the Roadster. I traded the RG for the Roadster at Ray Price in Raleigh. and I looked yesterday and they still have it.....
And as Ogre can testify, the RG will handle and is plenty quick enough in the twistys. He kept wondering who had the Rocket with the fairing as we were twisitng in Maggie Valley last year.