A big thank you to EasTexRII and R3Tex, wouldn't have happened without you guys. I was happy to meet everyone, all good people. Sure would like to ride behind Bull when I don't have a passenger. I might learn how ride a motorcycle. Pam Squared thanks everyone for their kindness and hospitality.
Here is about a 25 minute video of us heading to Luckenbach Saturday. Nothing spectacular by way of twisties. It's in 4k@15fps so not super smooth either. I'd suggest turning off your sound also. iMovie couldn't clear out all the wind noise.
At current time, only available for download, Google is still processing the stream.
You can download it if it won't play in your browser. At the top right should be an arrow pointing down. Click on that and it should download. It's a 4.7GB file, so could take a bit depending on your internet speed.
You can download it if it won't play in your browser. At the top right should be an arrow pointing down. Click on that and it should download. It's a 4.7GB file, so could take a bit depending on your internet speed.
I had intended to put my mount on Thursday morning before heading out to meetup with Morris' crew, but sh!t happens and I was running late. I had to burn a lot of fuel coming down 99 and I10 to make sure I was there on time.
Then didn't even think of it Thursday evening, so no vid of the sisters Friday.
Put on the mount Friday night, after borrowing a screwdriver from Rick, since I forgot to put my toolbox in the wife's suv.
Then Saturday, the fricken mount broke while parked in the gas station. So, very little video taken. Probably a good thing I didn't have it mounted Friday or the whole cam would probably be gone.
New handlebar mount, 2 extra waterproof cases, 2 extra batteries, spare charger and cabling to run a charging cable from the battery have all been ordered already.
As a side note, Andy had his cam as well but the battery died at some point, not sure how much, if any video he got.