The Three Sisters, aka The Twisted Sisters

The first guy that i see jumping up and down as excited as a pregnant goat,,,,i will assume is you:D
Seriously, bring some tags so we will know who is who, as for me, i am unmistakeable, i am as good looking as Adonis, as tough as Chuck Norris and as smart as an ostrich:D
How farkin exited is a goat to be pregnant :confused: o_O
Don't worry early last year as the months became weeks and then days I didn't know if I was Arthur or Martha I was soon excited at the prospect of meeting all the good folk from the US ......... and I was not disappointed they were every bit as good and even Better:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsdown::thumbsup::thumbsup:
You'll have to get yourself one these T shirts after you have done The Sisters
To all and crew should arrive at the Frio Pecan Farm around 5 or so tomorrow evening. All are welcome to an evening of swapping lies and passing quarts around the fire at the river house. Safe roads to all who are travelling. See you there!