I do not see any light at the end of the tunnel. Worked a 24 hour shift and got home for six hours (two hours drive time) and turned around to work a twelve hour shift. This will not end until around Dec. The hole @ucking military world is screaming for F-16 PARTS. No days off 12 hour shifts is a real *****. Have requested vacation time for the run with no conformed response. Do not really give a rats @ss come around the time of this run I will be there. Like I said in a early post the world this time can kiss my #ss. So this pecan farm joint is what $400.00 to $500.00 for a couple of days. It had better be worth it. Hate like hell to work hard for the money just to get taken for a second class joint. May check in to High class joint just to upset the Folks staying there. You got to figure a couple of hundred bucks more and they come and tuck your #ss to bed. sarcasm at its best.
REALLY looking forward to meeting you all in person.