The Three Sisters, aka The Twisted Sisters

Oct 20 checkin- 23rd check out. I believe quite a few already have reservations at the pecan farm. I have a reservation elsewhere but switching to the pecan farm tomorrow.
So whats the skinny on this ? Is it going to be the Pecan farm ? Are there firm dates ? Has anyone made reservation yet ?

It is at the farm, dates are 10/21 - 23 (I'm going down on the 20th), and yes I rented the river house and several others have rented cabins
@WyldCFH There is a general sense (if not a consensus) that folks should agree on the destination, and ride their own pace to get there.

Not giving you unwanted advice -- just saying, nothing builds confidence like doing, and having you commit to her, that she rides the route at her own pace while you follow her, and y'all show up arm-in-arm . . . just a thought.

It's no different than your thought "take her some other time" -- only, more friends to meet at the meeting points.

Just two cents, and may not be worth even that.

All the best.
Sooo... how long is the Three Sisters ride and what's the speed tempo?


Just Dreaming


More like my speeds
@WyldCFH There is a general sense (if not a consensus) that folks should agree on the destination, and ride their own pace to get there.

Not giving you unwanted advice -- just saying, nothing builds confidence like doing, and having you commit to her, that she rides the route at her own pace while you follow her, and y'all show up arm-in-arm . . . just a thought.

It's no different than your thought "take her some other time" -- only, more friends to meet at the meeting points.

Just two cents, and may not be worth even that.

All the best.

After reading this I just realized WyldCFH was referring to his wife riding her own bike o_O..... Sorry WCFH, I thought when I read your post that she was hesitant to ride pillion, that's y I posted what I did :confused: what a dummy I be :banghead:
So whats the skinny on this ? Is it going to be the Pecan farm ? Are there firm dates ? Has anyone made reservation yet ?

Adding to R3Tex's reply I believe quit a few are booked to arrive Thurs 20th afternoon & staying at Frio pecan farm lodge incl "the Okies", us, + others.... The river house that R3Tex has is only 1/2 mile down road from that & everyone will invade that house for a while to light fires, grille, and "various other things" ;)
Please bring yourselves :D :D :D
And it may or may not help -- @mexican has his wife and daughter on wheels, and we raised both our girls to ride motorcycles as transportation, insisting they obtain their motorcycle license before we would let them drive a car.

Everyone is different, and you two will find your own way.

Just keep the rubber side down (a parking lot drop is good for the soul, however, particularly if there is the opportunity to put her back in it and lift it on her own).