Had a play with the vacuum lines today and still no joy.
I took the valve cover off and went to remove the access port on the front of the engine but it had been rounded off. So off came the radiator and front engine cover again, at least it goes a lot quicker the second time round.
This time I positioned a camera exactly in line with the crank gear and markings and took photos, with the front wheel still on its impossible to see both of the dots at the same time even then they end up being viewed from an angle.
It looks like I was off by a tooth the photos below show how I had the timing set.
The upper cam gears with the bottom gear in the alignment shown above.
The upper gear positions with the crank gear aligned according to both marks
So I started over with the timing, this took a lot of messing about as at the first attempt the upper cam gears were aligned using the tool but the chain wouldnt sit properly over them, once the tensioner was refitted and the engine turned over by hand the chain would develop a slack spot between the cams and the exhaust cam would try and jump a tooth.
Second attempt there was some slack in the non tensioner side, once the tensioner was done up and engine turned over the marks would be out of alignment again. I think this is what happened when I first put it back together.
Third attempt seemed to do the trick, cams aligned nicely relative to each other, no slack on the non tensioner side of the chain or between the cams, chain running nicely and after turning the engine over 4 times and checking again everything still seemed to be where it should be. So of course I turned the engine over another 12 times checking every 4 rotations. Below are pics of where things ended up.
Do ya reckon it looks good? If so I can get it reassembled again tomorrow if I have time.