Have had the bike off the road for a while replacing cam chain, cam guides, clutch, fuel pump and a few other bits. Noticed the battery was flattened down to 6v as bike has been unused for 2 months but it charged it up overnight and seems healthy still.
Finally got it back together and tried firing it up earlier. Primed the pump 3 times by cycling the ignition on and off then started cranking it. First few attempts it just gave an occasional bark and then nothing. Applied some throttle and it fired right up and held at around 4k revs but would die when the throttle was released. Some backfiring out the exhaust and intake intermittently. I topped off the oil and checked for leaks, all good. Fired it up again and ran it with the throttle held on a bit for a minute or two. As the engine started to warm up I was able to let the rpm drop to just below 3k but it still cuts out when throttle released. Trying to fire it up without throttle it starts straight away runs for about half a second then cuts out again. I called it a day as it was getting late and didnt want to disturb the neighbours too much. Brought the battery back in to charge it up for another attempt tomorrow.
Will clean the spark plugs and put some fresh fuel in, the stuff in the bike at the moment is 4 months old.
Will refit the bear claw, there is a ramair filter on, temperatures have been below freezing and even in the summer just removing the bearclaw on a cold engine would result in a few farts out the throttle bodies till it was warmed up. Thinking with the low temperatures and all the filter being exposed at the moment may be too lean for it to fire up properly. Will reload the tuneecu map that is currently in the bike as well, I have seen some strange things happen on my bike when the battery fails, like the odometer deciding that the bike has 111,000 miles on it instead of 20,000. I guess theres a chance something could have got corrupted. Can then run through the various tests and moniter the sensors etc better through tuneecu.
If that doesnt work then I can load in a tuneboy map and use it to drive the idle stepper motor to a set position to stop it from trying to manage the idle speed foe me.. Im wondering if the ecu is getting confused with me faffing around with the throttle on startup and the mixture being off and is allowing the butterflies to close completely.
If that still doesnt work then will go back inside the tank and refit the original fuel pump and test it like that, I had changed it to a walbro 342 so trying to eliminate all the variables one at a time since the bike was last running properly. Im wondering if I should have flushed the new pump through with fuel prior to installation as it was packed inside an oily bag, wondering if some of this could have clogged an injector. Step after that is to pull the cam cover and inspection hole on front of engine again to verify that all the timing marks are aligned properly. Im pretty confident they are as I used the cam alignment tool during installation and followed the workshop manual procedure, turned the engine over a few times etc and checked again. But its best to be thorough. Hopefully it will be running again properly before I have made it more than halfway through this list!