The Rocket has great power but....

Looking at the vid......I am not so sure that truck can beat my Rocket:eek: in the quarter

It looks as best as I can see that the top end speed is slower than my rocket by 12 mph and the time seems to be almost a second slower than my Rocket

But that was one good looking sleeper...I'll bet he has broken quite a few egos...:D
I used to go to Houston Raceway Park and there was a mail Jeep wih a heavily modified AMC 390. It was all primer, even the wheels.. That thing would run in the 10sarena as well and surprise more than a few Mustangs.. lol
It looks like what I used to drive to high school back in the day, except this one has a cap instead of a cattle rack and is about 2 and 1/2 MINUTES faster in the 1/4 mile:D