Wait a minute. I did not post that with a full picture? Well it don't matter. Guess what time it is? Dry fitted the two halfs a few times and everything seems to fit rather well. The three dowel pins are in the right location and on the right half. Pin on the loose bearing that gets the clip is good. Kind of got this nailed. Done for the day. Knees are calling it a day.
Be careful with the cotton balls.
Well got it done. Used lint free cotton rags throughout the process. Cleaned and ready to go. Everything greased that needs to be. Kind of feeling stupid. Some folks on here get a entire bike rebuilt in no time at all. Well it took me two or three hours to get the mating surfaces on the engine halfs cleaned to my satisfaction. Early in the morning plan on getting the two halves together. Oxidation of aluminum does not take long .
Engine halves are together. Went along edges of mating surfaces with Q-tips and cleaned off any extra sealant. Used Loctite worked out rather well. New O rings and installed ready for the oil pan. Had a issue with the little screen staying in place on oil pump but added a touch of super clue and that did the trick. Filled oil pump with this Did oil the torx bolts before installing. Followed torque sequence in manual and had no issues. Took awhile to get done but very happy with the results.
OK installed the oil pan today. New gasket used Plus this you all following this this was used on the threads of the bolts. used this to torque down bolts very accurate. Matter of fact dead nuts on. 12 Nm no way in hell. More like 10 Nm . Manuel is incorrect. If you look closely missing a bolt.
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Well found out the output shaft gasket is not the right one. No alternator gasket either. Do have two clutch cover gaskets which is not a big help right about now. Just a snag and got it fixed last night. Hermy's is so easy to work with. One major order got screwed up a few months ago. With the amount of stuff being replaced I lost track of what came in and what did not. No big deal. Did decide to order a new oil chain. Granted they fit loose but after investigating I had some pull in the links which I did not like at all. This is my long weekend. Have Monday off do to birthday. Yes we still have some Nickle and dime stuff to do but nothing interesting. Did get the barbecue cleaned up and ready to go. Birthday weekend. Beer and Barbecue is a must have.
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