Not sure if i screwed up or not. Installing the pistons with new rings I just used a ring compressor and inserted pistons from the top. They slid right in. First piston pulled out and inspected the new rings and they looked fine. Anyone else do it like I did.?
Not sure if i screwed up or not. Installing the pistons with new rings I just used a ring compressor and inserted pistons from the top. They slid right in. First piston pulled out and inspected the new rings and they looked fine. Anyone else do it like I did.?
I installed from the top with tapered ring compressor, no problem. Tried the band and plier compressor and wasn't satisfied . As long as rings don't turn or slip out and grab top of block, all's good. Lube cylinder walls and rub some oil on rings and skirts before installing. Lube wrist pins.
Downloading pictures on this site is A hassle. Just going to leave it at what was installed today. Shame. No details. Did figure out a easy way to replace the bearings in the Clutch cover. Right size washers and it slips right in Same for the top one and the dust seal. worked out rather well. Smooth and no side to side motion.