Im going with this, unless its the wrong threebond Three Bond High Performance/Adhesion Liquid Gasket TB1207B Three Bond High Performance/Adhesion Liquid Gasket TB1207B: Automotive
My post did not come out right at all. Deleted it. If i have a hiccup the only person to blame is myself. The resources are here on this website to do the job. All you have to do is ask. ON to sealants. Really do not wish to use the RTV gasket sealant found in auto parts stores would prefer to use the same stuff Triumph used at the factory. Question is where do you buy it?
My post did not come out right at all. Deleted it. If i have a hiccup the only person to blame is myself. The resources are here on this website to do the job. All you have to do is ask. ON to sealants. Really do not wish to use the RTV gasket sealant found in auto parts stores would prefer to use the same stuff Triumph used at the factory. Question is where do you buy it?
Checked shims. Took my time and measured twice. Calibers are cheap but have been checked within the last 2 months for being accurate. (F.A.A.) Calibers were out of tolerance during the last check. Resulting in a lot of changes in shims this time. Very good idea to use this to clean off shims not only for a good measurement but also marking correct shim sizemarks for further reference. A good set of accurate gauges helps from the git go. Big difference between spending a bit for good gauges vice buying gauges from your local auto store. No pic on gauges but cost about $80.00 bucks vice $6.00 bucks. Thinking i might have it right this time.
Im going with this, unless its the wrong threebond Three Bond High Performance/Adhesion Liquid Gasket TB1207B Three Bond High Performance/Adhesion Liquid Gasket TB1207B: Automotive
Sorry to have deleted some post. Maybe the gods of the net can bring them back. In the meantime here is a update. Flat gave up on Robinson. Sent emails and called for over two weeks. No answers. Even sent a hand wrote letter no answer. Went with a place in Ashland North Carolina called M/T. Talked to the folks a few times and feel very confident in their ability to work on the transmission. Better circlips and machining is no problem. Gear cutting is not a issue plus a better price and quicker turnaround time. While we wait cleaning is the call of the day. Wire brushing all gasket material off of surfaces with stainless steel brushes. Then we set up a tub of mostly simple green and submersed parts. Then a freshwater wash down follows. Very clean. Plan on doing it tomorrow and will post pics. The sorry thing is have found that (GOD FORBID) Lemon Pledge really cleans and shines the engine casings up.