Stopped at this point Yesterday. Missing the circlip and now we have to go looking for it. Have some wear and tear on shifting dogs but bought replacements. A little wear and tear on gears but not bad. Looks like I need the puller tool unless someone has a better idea. When i get the other half out it is all going to Robinson. Yes went back and read the chapter on pulling pistons. Since I have planned on replacing the piston rings looks like we are going to buy the liner puller tool. Got to thinking about it and looking at all the special tools required along with the experience gained so far with this engine really starting to think screw the Harley. Get rid of it and buy a slightly used 2014 or better Roadster and build a hot rod.
Stopped at this point Yesterday. Missing the circlip and now we have to go looking for it.
Looks like I need the puller tool unless someone has a better idea. When i get the other half out it is all going to Robinson.

You can use the 3rd/4th sliding gear to drift tap the input shaft assembly out of the case, should do the trick.
Instead of buying the special Triumph drift hammer and threaded coupling.

Still laughing. Really glad I did not order the tools yet. Thanks for the info. Just got back from the Knee doctor and got shot in the knee. A bit stiff. If it were not for that i would be out in the shed removing the input shaft.
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Kevin i needed the inside diameter there allen heads. Good to go 24MM and 22mm The small one needs to be replaced.
You can tell by the picture you ride in all weathers . That's a bit of rust Thier my friend.
He has a you tube channel. Tonight instead of matlock may i suggest a couple r-111-r turbos videos

Had it happen on my 06 5 times slip out of 2nd gear and re-engage on the dog cogs that was enough for me to get it repaired.
Sonny, the special tool will cost more than the liners. If they are not worn, do not pull them out. Save yourself a bunch of grief and $. If you need to get them out for peace of mind you can get them out without buying the tool. Email me if need to.
I had a tool/plate made to pull liners but I had pistons and rods out, the way I understand it the factory tool will pull liner with rod and piston still in block. If you have access to a lathe you can make a puller like mine. I'll measure it and post dimensions a little later if you're interested. Liners are not that tight, number liners and mark how they face.
I’d say the same but what do I know......