That stator doesn't look bad, in fact I'm surprised it is only slightly discoloured. Looks like the insulation hasn't started to flake off. Probably good for another ........ miles.
There is no way am going to be taking the engine out a few months from now to replace the stator if i do it now;););););).
I made this engine trolly - makes working on the gearbox so much easier as you can move it around and use it to trn the engine over as I bolt it to the engine (Trolly upsid down - wheels up) and gently roll it over twice - done. It does such when torquing tho but i lock the wheels. It seems I always have an engine on it...


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Just ordered another $748.00 dollars in parts. When I say a rebuild am serious about it. Just asked the wife how much have we spent on this? She said enough for a new one. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: No performance upgrades just replacing worn out parts and required parts upon disassembly and assembly. Am going with a new kickstand switch which is shot. A new stator due to discoloration. Not buying the aftermarket due to reports of the plastic coating breaking off. Just the cost of doing a complete rebuild of the entire bike is amazing. Not cutting any corners. Have bought every speciality tool Triumph sells i think. Still in the tear down stage due to my physical conditions. When we get around to the actually rebuilding will post a lot. This is going to be a long thread.
Very good day IMG_1236.JPG One thing that really bothers me is a lot of folks talk about this job but i have never heard anyone mention resealing the sleeves after head is pulled? Remove the head that is a give me. I bought new rings for the pistons but had no idea you need to pull sleeve out and reseal them. Tool on order . Makes no sense to me to make high powered upgrades missing basic facts. I am not in to that keeping it simple at 168 horse. IMG_1234.JPG This is fine and dandy. The way I ride kind of figured that. Simple way of getting her done. IMG_1229.JPG IMG_1230.JPG Worked our rather fine. Yes The eight bolts need to be replaced on the cylinder head. Be very careful on your aftermarket purchase. The threads on the triumph bolts are a one time use. The high dollar titanium bolts are a joke for those who believe they bought a better bolt. The threads do not lock as threaded down. It is not a matter of using loctite but more on thread design. If you do not understand what i'm talking about then good on you. This looks good after 68,000. Thank you mobile oil IMG_1231.JPG Yes believe marks are dead on IMG_1235.JPG Very happy with the results of the day. Looking at well over 100,000 thousand miles on this engine, Maybe a lot more. ;);););););)
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