Go back and read the manual. Break the head free and guess what? Yes we did that this morning reseal sleeves not replacing them. my bust to many beers and way to much pain.
its crazy yours were out of tolerance at 68000, proves you were thrashing on it, we have huge cylinder liners compared to a harley running a 4.5in piston
its crazy yours were out of tolerance at 68000, proves you were thrashing on it, we have huge cylinder liners compared to a harley running a 4.5in piston
Sonny, you stated you were replacing the sleeves. Not trying to be critical here but I'd be curious to see how much wear there was on them with 68,000 miles. Was there any scoring?? Was there much taper in the bore top to bottom? Just trying to gage how much life these engines have with your mileage to get an idea when I might have to do mine. Since the sleeves are coming out, you might want to consider new pistons too. The high compression ones come to mind...
Sleeves are not worn out. Not replacings them. I am going to get the special tool and pull sleeves in order to reseal them. My bust on comments. Was drunk and hurt like you would not believe after playing with engine.
Sleeves are not worn out. Not replacings them. I am going to get the special tool and pull sleeves in order to reseal them. My bust on comments. Was drunk and hurt like you would not believe after playing with engine.
Glad you were able to re-think replacing liners. I'm glad they are available to do that if needed, but needless if not needed. Would have to mike bores, or use a bore gauge to determine excessive wear or taper before replacing. Liners are really hard, seem to hold up well.
Yesterday while flipping the engine over my left leg pain was so intense i could not walk. After i was done working got good and drunk which i know better than to post in that condition. Even with the pain was very happy with the work accomplished. No issues on the eight head bolts.
One thing that really bothers me is a lot of folks talk about this job but i have never heard anyone mention resealing the sleeves after head is pulled? Remove the head that is a give me. I bought new rings for the pistons but had no idea you need to pull sleeve out and reseal them. Tool on order . Makes no sense to me to make high powered upgrades missing basic facts.
Quick novice question.
My 06 has 10k on engine. I pulled pistons out the bottom of sleeve with the thought of sending the engine case for transmission work by Robinson transmission. Now I know he wanted shafts and forks only. Oops
I Didn't pull the head off due to low miles. Manual stated the liners are wider on bottom. I'm I going to have issues re-installing original pistons and crank ? I was very careful pulling them out . I labeled everything as I pulled it apart.