Bloody hell Hans so sorry to see and hear what happened. I feel really bad as you got my bike running so sweet with your tune and now yours is gone Hope you mend soon cheers Wags
Thanks again guys, update on whats happening, Orthopedic decided this isnt working after three lots of x rays last week I am now booked in to the Canberra Fracture Clinic so will be getting plated after all, it seems
good to see your Avatar and name again Mate ,how is the new ride going ,my rocket is being dismantled by my son who is a qualified diesel Mechanic ,I made him do a trade before getting into the trucking industry so he wouldn't be a one trick pony like his Dad
I would add to that by asking Paul at Viking or CES to make on for you do not ask Carpenter for if they make you one you will have an arm like popeye's after eating spinach