The Lithium Battery debate.

Just sayin',
2 to 4 cylinders up to 1500 cc will likely not cut it for our 2300cc motors.
I currently own two Rockets one of them since 2005, now I live in Northwest Florida and at this time of year the temp can fall down to the high teens but low thirty is more common, in all my years of Rocket ownership I HAVE never had a problem with the wallworld motorcycle battery, bikes start no problem hot or cold, now I do change my batteries around the three year mark, and not one of my bike batteries have ever been on a tender in fact I do not even own a battery tender
I didn't see a price on the web site, how much are they asking? I get over to Deutschland frequently (we have a plant in Schweinfurt) and often and the logistics are therefore not a problem.
Search on Ebay - their main German distributor lists there.
We get in the negative teens here, a tender is a must, 3 years ago we had a winter so bad barn drifted in and I couldn't switch over tenders, I think I lost all 3 batteries that didn't have tenders.

I put a Shorai in my 12yr old rocket 6 yrs ago. It will start without a boost in the cold. I looked online and they don't recommend them for rockets anymore. OK, let me clarify it starting in the cold. After the battery warms up say after 15 attempts. I boost it for the most part in the cold. Let me clarify that! I don't ride in the cold!