The endless Saga of my tranny fix!

Mcc Triumph in villa park is right up there with the best, they have been around since the beginning so I have somewhere I can take my bike, thats the upside the $110.00 an hour is the downside. I'm in the 80% with 20% of the money category and the update kit while estimated 16 hrs who knows what else they will find when they open it up. My $580.00 20k tune ended up $1710. when completed. EB kit 1.5 hrs, fork seals, and front brake pads added $1100. to the cost of a valve check!!! I feel your pain brother.
Jesus. I would be livid after going through this. A lawsuit is definitely in order IMHO. If the repercussions of shoddy work and bad service don't sting they won't feel the serious need to fix it.
who do you contact at triumph usa, the name and phone, email etc,I also have a trans problem I would like to discuss.cant believe a company will make a product with known problems, then weasel out of their responsibility to repair these unreliable units.or even train their techs to properly repair these bikes once the problems become apparent,i love my r3, but triumph the co is a whole nother thing
Call (888) 284-6288; Email

Triumph Motorcycles America
100 Hartsfield Centre Parkway, Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30354
(678) 854-2010
Ask for Peter. Be nice.
Wow am I just that unlucky or what. Stopped by the shop today to check on the status of repairs engine has been shipped out and not back yet and now Im told I need a new final drive $2700 from stealer I mean dealer. Due to the fact that the piece on the final drive that the shaft fits in cant be found anywhere.The strange part about this is I thought the prices on the final drive units had dropped immensely Also on the parts diagram it does not show the female coupling that goes on the final drive Now on bike bandit it says $573 for the final drive unit but it does not show the coupling unit WTF? Does anyone know the name of this part and where to get them.Short of going on ebay to buy one for $750 (used) with 9500 miles on it which would be a complete unit Im out of ideas on where to go I am seriously questioning the repairs on the bike and if it will even last once its done due to the shops lack of knowledge about the parts and repairs.They had better give me a good discount once its fixed and some kind of warrenty on the repairs or I might just go postal. Am I so wrong for feeling this way.
With a name like BIGFOOT how can you complain about trans issues LOL
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