The dreaded final drive drip....

Ok - I cleaned everything off, and after two days of sitting, there is about 1/4 of a drop congregating along the bottom edge of the drain bolt. I'm guessing this is good news compared to oil coming out of the rectangular vent or some other junction. I very carefully tested the bolt, it's not loose, so maybe it was over-tightened?

I'll go by the dealer tomorrow and get a replacement, and plan to change the rear drive oil. Hopefully that'll be the end of it..
Ok - I bought a replacement drain bolt, $14, FFS! Odd thing it has no washer or o-ring. Is that correct, or do I need to get anything else?
on my lower diff drain bolt there was an area next to the head that didn't have threads. where the head connects to the diff there was a tapered area where the oring made contact.
i can't remember if the oring was triumph idea or mine but it worked great. i have a automatic trans shop so not a problem finding a oring to fit. if yours has a tapper and has a seep it might be worth the time to find a oring.