The Death of Combustion Bikes

You are correct. Our electric grid and ability to generate enough electricity for demand is grossly miscalculated. California has the most electric vehicles of any state and they are struggling to meet basic demands today. It's gonna get real ugly.
How are those batteries going to be mined, smelted and transported without fossil fuels? I'll wait for the answer.
It's interesting how much the mining industry has moved from Diesel fuel powered heavy equipment to full electric/battery and even hybrid (electric/diesel) equipment. There is a huge saving after the initial capital outlay for the new state of the art gear. No diesel fueling stations to maintain, fuel transportation costs and pipelines to maintain u/g, reduced fire risk, reduced ventilation needs, reduced heat signature, deadly exhaust gases etc etc. All the major players have battery powered heavy equipment along with quick battery change out options that result in faster turn around times than refueling requires. The equipment is cleaner, quieter, cooler, resulting it less stress on the operators. The hybrid stuff has been around for years with diesel power to move the drills then everything else on 600 volts. This change has allowed many mines to open or continue/expand especially the ones at depth where heat is a killer. Even underground 50 to 100 ton haul trucks run without diesel using a combination of battery and electric power similar to that used on streetcars through a pantograph.
I bet that electrical system isn't green powered.
The other thing most people do not realize about battery power is that a battery is stored potential and can be very dangerous when things go wrong! There is no way to shut a battery off if it starts to melt down! A plain car battery has 800 cold cranking amps and can kill you! Thes bike and electric cars are bikes are not perfect or safe by a long shot!
I work on 135 volts DC systems and when things go wrong we run, these are lead acid batteries and that technology has been around for over a hundred years! These new batteries started development some time in the 60’s and they still have issues!
Be careful!
Agree 100% regarding those safety concerns with batteries. With all of the pluses the mining industry is seeing with battery technology, miners are still extremely wary of the fire potential these batteries have. The toxic smoke given off and the potential to explode??? Having said that, what is the potential energy stored on a loader filled with 100 gallons of fuel and 80 gallons of hydraulic oil in close proximity to a smoking hot diesel engine, exhaust, catalytic converter and particulate trap? I guess society is trading one hazard for another...

If the internal combustion engine had been developed today rather than last century, I wonder if it would have been accepted by society, given the safety consciousness of people especially when one considers the flammability of gasoline and the danger posed just fueling up your car/bike.
I'm trying to find these unicorns you speak of. Huh. Seems all I can find in mining and moving stuff is still in the development phase or just plans or a one off prototype to test(sell). Seems if this case of the mining industry moving to electric is true it must be burning its own coal to produce the needed electricity. Beam me some of these links I'd like to see this amazing EV operation. I'll wait.

Here a few links I grabbed. There are literally hundreds of Utube videos on EV mining vehicles