The Death of Combustion Bikes

Lightning 218 can already crush any petrol bike in performance, so more fast electricso are meerly a matter of time and money.

What concerns me:
With the reassignment of energy creation from on-demand individual needs to centralized generation, we're placing the decisions in our politicians hands. At least in the US, I don't trust any politicians to make decisions based on what's best for the community/environment instead of what's best for elections and their wallet.

"Oh that's why it's privatized, capitalism will find a balance"... Yeah...NOPE. See Texas and their global laughing stock of a power grid for an example of politically regulated privatized for-profit energy generation.

This has no good outcome. I'll keep burning dinosaurs until it's illegal (even then I'll probably still do it).

PS: Just so it doesn't get twisted, I'm such a libtard democrat, Bernie is too conservative for me. This electrification of transportation will end badly, and it will become a strongly partisan issue in the US.
I see Dodge has an electric Charger coming out. 0-60 under 2 seconds. The difference that caught my attention is the 'fake exhaust note' that they are going to have on it. It's suppose to sound like a muscle car. Maybe it's one of those Varoom motors we put on our bicycles back in the day. Another thing is, and this one surprised me is that it will be a 6 speed? Maybe 8 I don't remember. So it will have a paddle type shifter or it will shift itself. Wow. I have to say that was unexpected to me. So if it can be in a car then motorcycles will be next. An electricycle that you can shift and with fake engine sound. I bet the Charger starts around 75K plus. The shifting I'm okay with but the fake, pretend engine noise, nope!

Skip to about 8:00 in this video to hear the thing. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

You'll have to take this bloke as your pillion then!

I hate fake anything, well except a nice boob job. If it’s electric and that is so good why would you fake the evil sound of an ICE.