Hey Tdragger:
have some loose plans on a fall leaf ride that way in the not distant future. may be able to catch up one day. you mentioned tire compounds. how is this determined? saw DOT traction and temp guides listed on the tires but no legend to decode them.
whats your thoughts on Goodyear Eagles?
Portsmouth Va.
2006 R3
I believe a majority of darksiders run 225s. The softer compound spoken of relates to the Tread Wear Rating. The Cooper Zeon 2XS is or was a 280 (low mileage rating for a 4-wheeler). I believe the Goodyear Eagle is in the 400+ range. One Captain recently reported 25k on his Eagle at time of its most recent replacement. Some Captains put a lot of stock in a straight or nearly so centerline such is employed in the Cooper Zeon tire. This is believed to enhance wet weather traction. Frankly, the Eagle should do just as well in the rain and have less of the definitive car tire look. Personally, I think the straight center line may impart more need for counter steering on straight stretches of the byways that have that crowned mid section in the lanes, which result from heavy truck traffic. Unless you ride on the high center or in the center of the troughs, you'll be near constantly inputting a degree of counter steering. If your experience is with poorly maintained byways...make sure you're ready to compromise on a regular occurrence. If and when you're swinging the FBG through the twisties on a regular basis, don't give compromise a second thought. And if you live in Arkansas don't go there

To my knowledge, a single Colorado Captain ventured over to the dark side, ever so briefly, found the Colorado higher country roads are unfit for Darksiders. Personally having ridden on four wheels over the divide through CO, I don't blame him.
I hoping to hear that the Cooper aka Avon 240 wide MC tire for the RocketIII is getting 14k+ on a regular basis and I'll step over into the light once again. I despise changing the rear Metz every 8 month. Even during this so-called economic recovery period the price of a Metz M880 is being slashed and approaching 1/2 MSRP, that doesn't make up for the hassle of changing every 8 months. I'll wager, a dollar to a dog nasty (and come out ahead when I win), the Marathon 880 is closer to a 100 TWR.
When the time comes and it is said the dollar ain't worth ****, I'll have the proof that it is
I went with the Cooper Zeon 2XS for its stated "rounded" profile.

I had to assume it meant in the "section width." And the stickier 280 compound was a draw.
And with a high PSI it does have a slightly rounded sectional profile, particularly where the rubber meets the road. But the 280 compound wore quite quickly in the center.
Tread Wear Rating aka UTQG. The Riken Raptor appears to have a 520 rating. I believe there is a direct relation between TWR and UTQG.