The darkside is wonderful


Just saying....they look ....well let’s say not great...Just saying...
You won't get a lot of love here for running a car tire Ray. I do it because it is cheap and it handles well in the speed range I ride in. It has been well established here that if you are going to ride at or above 140 mph you should probably put a MC tire on it. If you obey posted speed limits you will be ok. :D

Big Norm,
That there is one of the most honest intelligent car tire posts I've read.
Not a better tire than the one designed for the MC, just a much less expensive alternative, if ridden within a reasonable speed range.
Gratitude for your wise post!
I would definitely recommend switching especially if one takes long highway journeys.

My experience (regarding handling, not frugality) is exactly the opposite. My least favorite times running a 245 darkside are long highway rides. The wide flat tire wants to match the crown of the road. Applying constant pressure to the bars hour after hour to keep it from leaning right on the crown gets old. It's the long straight highways that have made me want to switch back, not the twisties.
I use motorcycle tires on my bike and car tires on the car. The diesel truck has its own tires. I bet if I put those truck tires on the bike I could get 80’000 miles on it.;)

Dave I hear you about the speed limit thing and I’ll add who buys a big bike that can’t afford tires?:confused: