The Brother in Law Traded in his Harley....

Somehow, the "he had over 30,000 km on his Heritage..." part I find highly amusing! WOW! OVER 18,000 miles!!! Man, now that's some HIGH MILEAGE (LOL... I don't but barely consider a bike "broken in", LITERALLY, at that level of mileage), yet he's had problems "galore" with the H-D, apparently. (This is NOT a H-D bashing comment from me, here, but just saying, "that's sad"!) I've got over 22,000 thousand on my R3T since purchasing new in 2015, and haven't gotten to ride nearly as much as I'd like, by a longshot, yet I consider it still as almost new.... BTW, nice lookin' "Injun", there! Give him my "congrats!".....