I just made a very expensive blunder! I blatanly removed my chain tensioner without preparation and not much thinking. I'm sure it must have been a Senior moment!
After just spending some big bucks for tires brakes, coolant, oil change I was hoping I just had a bad dream...but no, it was a nightmare!
I bought the bike with 500 miles on it in 08( 2008 rocket 3 touring). It seemed to have that paint can rattle everyone talks about; not too bad but there more so when the bike is not under power. I guess thru the years it bothered me enough to put my blinders on and take a chance the camshafts wouldn't move( my Senior moment).
Anyway, I've disassembeled the engine where necessary and am waiting on new parts to replace cam chain, tensioner guide, necessary gaskets, etc. Also, when checking the tensioner travel after removal(removing tensioner spring first) it was fully extended which made me feel some relief knowing this had to be done soon; I just didn't want to do it now!
I did the chain stretch test as in the service manual and with 87,000 on the bike the chain stretch was 142mm while the limit according to the manual is 149.48mm. I will keep you informed as I proceed with the repairs.
On another note...there's not much worse that can happen(except for the above)to have parts fall on the floor and you don't know where they came from...So I need your help! when removing the radiator and front cover, I noticed 2...what seemed to be some type of bushing covers(see photos). They appear to have a rubber coating on 1 side and have a brass color...and indeed they are not magnetic. I don't know where they go! Also the bolt shown is called a noise suppression bolt which must be removed in order to remove the timing chain. This bolt was only "finger tight" and it is only mentioned twice in the manual but does not give torque spec's. Any help regarding these 2 Items would be much appreciated!
And lastly, as I finish this writing, I must say it feels good to be back as I have been gone for some time!