Justdad thanks for posting this, I love the editing and some of the pictures I'd not seen until now, hope you're doing better now. The videos will let Mufasa live forever in my memory and gives something to watch when feeling nostalgic in the future
**** I'm glad you weren't sliding a little faster, you two were in your own little race for the same piece of salt it seems and neither of you made it to convergence.
I didn't realize it flipped so many times, 4 full rotations. Considering that.... the damage is... actually fairly minor
Four full flips on a sport bike would've been a much worse yardsale of parts strewn across the salt lol.
Look at the end frames in 3 minutes 2 seconds. The front tire spikes up, nearly all of it's travel and back down very quickly (the only bump the fender is lost in view behind the lower triple tree), just after that is when the rear breaks loose, about the time when the rear tire would have hit the same bump. There are a series of bumps, the course was really rough, but this one is distinctly larger than the rest and unfortunately, coincidental with 2nd gear shift; so like most accidents, it's a series of individually innocuous events occurring with the just the right timing, culminating in a major event
In my opinion after looking at the logs and this video, it was triggered by terrain and exacerbated by loose bike setup on salt at high RPM.
Keep in mind, Mufasa had a pretty hard front fork setup Wilbers springs + 10w oil + reduced air gap, so for it to knock the tire that high, it wasn't an insignificant bump.