That last rev you can hear was 8679 RPM, when it struck the ground. It sounds like he was being aggressive with throttle, but he wasn't, 25-30% in 1st, and broke traction at 35% in 2nd. I guess it's relative since it made 200hp at 40% tps.

I have to say, those who've built unique parts for me are all being amazing with helping me get it fixed, showing I picked people with not just great manufacturing skill, but people of character. That tale will be reserved for the build thread.
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That last rev you can hear was 8679 RPM, when it struck the ground. It sounds like he was being aggressive with throttle, but he wasn't, 25-30% in 1st, and broke traction at 35% in 2nd.
Yeah, it sounded like he was just easing into it after shift into 2nd. Terrible course conditions. Note at 57:31 when they resume runs the official shouts, " go slow" :confused:
So sorry to hear this! I have been following the build and mods, it is fascinating. I live in Utah and there was an article about this in one of the news channel feeds. I knew you guys were planning this and thought Oh, no, hope it wasn't Mufasa when I read it. Well, darn! I was on vacation last week, would have been fun to go up and watch it, but I doubt the public was allowed on the salt. Wishing all a quick and full recovery!!!

Glad to hear you are recovering well. 60+ mph highsides on heavy bikes are very hard on the bones. :(

I take my hats off to all the riders that broke the start line those couple days... that course was a disaster every bit as bad as 2019. The fact that you went 160+ on that first pass was some hero stuff... our MPS 600 absolutely struggled to run 154 on Wednesday, at some points seeing 20 degree roll changes and 40mph wheel speed spikes in fractions of a second. For reference: the average mile speed for ALL non-streamliner motorcycles this meet was less than 108mph.... cars were 120mph. Not a great year.

If there is anything I can offer to help with the rebuild or repair, please don't hesitate to message me!
Thanks spaz, those numbers actually really help contextualize what 162 and 164 mean in the conditions. The on-bike video definitely agrees with lots of "wander" on course due to conditions.

I couldn't have done any better, and likely much worse than Justdad did, despite knowing the bike very well.

The bke comes off the trailer Thursday, after which I'll get to disassembly and know if the engine remains viable. I'm actually looking forward to a frame up scratch build; it allows me to redesign some stuff I never cared for but always worked around.

These being an example:
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