Thank you - First tune - 2015 R3T

You've been bitten! Prepare to exercise your smiling muscles a lot more!!
Actually it never happened. The TORS were damaged so I called Pure-Triumph. After much trial and tribulation I just got the TORS September 5th. Pure Triumph was great. It took 3 shipments from Triumph to get a set in that was not damaged. It is a slow boat from England.

The above process will happen this weekend. I plan on shooting a video of the process. I will keep you informed. Looking for great things to come.

Hope the tune goes well and look forward to the video, I've been planning to buy a cheap laptop and cable so i can install the derestricting tune and seeing a video of the operation would be very useful.
Your going to love it, just remember to hang on and take it easy at first, Last weekend I had a Touring owner @Richard 5 from about 1 1/2 hours inland come down so I could load a tune for him check his TPS etc while I was connected, he took it for a test ride after I gave the same warning I just gave you, he was gone for a good while, when came back I could see the grin even with full face helmet on, his eyes were sparkling, I asked if he liked it, without any hesitation there was a firm Yes ..... another happy Rocket owner rode off in to the distance
It has been a day.
I had a few things I wanted to get done today.
First I took my Battery Tender cord and spliced in 4 feet of wire. I then raised the gas tank and tie wrapped it to the wiring harness up to the handle bars.
I have the Battery Tender USB adapter so now I can plug my phone in and charge my battery.
This worked out great.

Then I took the stock pipes off to install the new TORS I just got Tuesday.
I opened the box and they were perfect They were the prettiest Roadster TORS you have ever seen. Oh ya I have a Touring model?
Since I had the original ones off I put on the dinged up TORS I got in June. Maybe I will have the correct pipes by Christmas.

Since I had the bike stripped down and have been through a few rains I broke out the Pledge Multi Purpose Cleaner and went at it.
With the bags and pipes off I went at the back wheel. That is a real Pain.

By now it was dark, but I was on a mission.

I had TuneECU downloaded and the cable and Hanso's tune.

Read map
Save map
Open Hanso's map
12 minute tune and yes the fan kicked on at the lower temp.

Done for the day.

I will finish putting the bike together tomorrow and give it a go.


You are officially a Rocket Expert..... It's that simple.

Wait until tomorrow comes..... Fly, be free!!!
Ride was great. Did 100 miles on the new tune.

I would say the TORS are not loud, but the bike now has a voice. Now that I can hear it while shifting we will see what happens.

Hanso's tune is awesome. At a standing start the bike stands up off the line and just keeps on going. Backed off at about 120 mph.

Thanks Idaho Red Rocket 3 for sending me the tune and thanks Hanso for sharing your knowledge with us and making these bikes better.

I will be doing a video of the USB cable mod. It came out really well and is an easy to do.
Sorry for the late response.... Stock tune I was getting 30mpg and I am currently getting 26mpg. These are city/commuting miles, not highway miles.

I have been averaging about 33 mpg normal riding and around 42 mpg on interstate rides. I am going to be riding in southern Indiana this weekend along the Ohio river and will let you know.

Just took a few days off. Did 571 miles in southern Indiana with Hanso's tune. Averaged between 31 to 36 MPG per tank. Interstate, backroads, and state roads.
Lovin every minute of it.