It has been a day.
I had a few things I wanted to get done today.
First I took my Battery Tender cord and spliced in 4 feet of wire. I then raised the gas tank and tie wrapped it to the wiring harness up to the handle bars.
I have the Battery Tender USB adapter so now I can plug my phone in and charge my battery.
This worked out great.
Then I took the stock pipes off to install the new TORS I just got Tuesday.
I opened the box and they were perfect They were the prettiest Roadster TORS you have ever seen. Oh ya I have a Touring model?
Since I had the original ones off I put on the dinged up TORS I got in June. Maybe I will have the correct pipes by Christmas.
Since I had the bike stripped down and have been through a few rains I broke out the Pledge Multi Purpose Cleaner and went at it.
With the bags and pipes off I went at the back wheel. That is a real Pain.
By now it was dark, but I was on a mission.
I had TuneECU downloaded and the cable and Hanso's tune.
Read map
Save map
Open Hanso's map
12 minute tune and yes the fan kicked on at the lower temp.
Done for the day.
I will finish putting the bike together tomorrow and give it a go.