Thai exhaust

That sounds plenty loud enough and has a nice tone but the price is a bit steep.
The pips look great and sound nice in the clip but there is one question that comes to mind. Do the pipes sit lower than the stock pipes on the bike?
I would hate to make an expensive mod and compromise lean angle. One of the things that I love about my Rocket is the lean angle that I don't get from my other bikes like my Speedmaster.
Seeing as a lot of people are struggling financially through the current climate it amazes me that manufactures seem to be increasing their pricing.
Maybe they could justify the high pricing if they had to do some serious R&D but seeing the ecu can’t be meddled with yet, I can’t imagine anyone has built a system that was seriously given any Dyno time?
Even the British exhaust on eBay is £1295 for the new rocket,only 18 months ago you could buy a similar system for the original R3 for £500, the mind boggles ( mine anyway).
Rumor has it, the ECU can be meddled with now
Rumor has it, the ECU can be meddled with now
Time will tell what can and can not be done with the new Bosch ECU without causing trickle down problems. I am concerned that these new systems are very complicated with intertwined system controls. I'm glad i am pretty satisfied with the TFC as it is for now but I might try upgrades in a year or two. I do plan on keeping this bike for a long time.
Its pretty complicated if you dont know what u r doing lol
Is the TFC stock exhaust louder than the R and GT?
Yes a little bit.

I have other bikes that give me enough loud riding time. My 2014 Roadster and the 2017 Indian Chieftain Darkhorse make plenty of sound so if I need that for a days ride I just hop on one of those. It is actually nice to ride big power without all the noise occasionally.