are you sure about that number? my speedo has gone to 254kmh before i backed off, or at least i thought it was me backing off, and i wasn't near the redline yet,
if the Nannie limit is lower, then possibly i carried enough momentum when i launched to carry me into a higher speed, when i did it it was a full on launch down the ramp to the highway
are you sure about that number? my speedo has gone to 254kmh before i backed off, or at least i thought it was me backing off, and i wasn't near the redline yet,
if the Nannie limit is lower, then possibly i carried enough momentum when i launched to carry me into a higher speed, when i did it it was a full on launch down the ramp to the highway
like i said, i'm not sure if the nannie kicked in, and i just had enough momentum to keep going higher, i was running in rider mode with TCS disabled at the time, as i going through the gears i remember glancing down at the speedo, and the numbers were rolling so fast you couldn't figure what speed you were plowing through, when i backed off i glanced down and quickly seen the 254, if this bike gets opened up properly and the restrictions removed i have no doubt this thing will go well over 250 kph
Like most motorcycles and cars the speed will read different on each bike. Two brand new bikes side by side racing may have different top speeds and different readings on their speedometers. It could be 1 mph off or 10 mph off. The bikes need to be calibrated or have a GPS on board when riding for an accurate speed display.
are you sure about that number? my speedo has gone to 254kmh before i backed off, or at least i thought it was me backing off, and i wasn't near the redline yet,
if the Nannie limit is lower, then possibly i carried enough momentum when i launched to carry me into a higher speed, when i did it it was a full on launch down the ramp to the highway
I saw 147 mph for a second then it went down one and held there. It was not at the red line. The ECU shuts off the fuel at that speed and it will not go faster. There is no way mine will go 157.8 mph. Go try it again and verify if you can.
I saw 147 mph for a second then it went down one and held there. It was not at the red line. The ECU shuts off the fuel at that speed and it will not go faster. There is no way mine will go 157.8 mph. Go try it again and verify if you can.
if i get the chance to pull it on the highway i will, just have to be careful, at that point it is automatic license suspension, bike impounded, and you go to court and the judge sets your fine, and may decide to take your license away a little longer, but there are spots you can get away with it ,