I would like to introduce myself: I am Sam and I am a 2012 Rocket 3 Roadster owner
I didn't really know what to expect after having read all of the accolades on this site, whether to be intimidated or scared as I twisted the throttle on the mighty beast for the first time

The torque of course was fantastic and immediate, which I enjoy whenever I ride the curved roads, beautiful country one lanes and Interstates in the area. It was fairly fast but nothing to write home about but I really didn't explore the powerband that much today. It sort of reminds me of my past V-max when it idles and accelerates. I like the sounds it makes, even the stock exhaust has a bark to it. The intake is a little muted though.
The Fat Lady can dance! It took me just a few curves to become one with her and she responded well in every detail. The ride was great, nice and soft, like I like it. The brakes worked well considering the size of the scoot. The Ergonomics fit me very well as the handlebars fall readily to hand and the footpegs seem to be well placed. The saddle was comfy as was the riders backrest, which is the first time in 53 years of riding and 79 motorcycles/ scooters that I've had one.
I only rode about 80 miles on the way back from the dealer to where I work but so far, so good
Now my questions can have some substance
The color is ????? It looks like a black metallic but in the sunlight I see blue flakes? ( I owned a Suzuki 1200S Bandit for 3 years before I realized it was blue and not black)
****** What I was afraid of and read a lot about is how hot the exhaust headers on the right side of the R3 gets and that could have broke the deal for me. It was 90 degrees today with high humidity and I never, ever felt the heat. I wore dress slacks and shirt, full face helmet, leather gloves and just low cut leather street shoes and all was well---warm but not hot as hell.
The Dealer couldn't find the second set of keys or the owners manual so I'll have to get one somewhere.
Anyway, I look forward to learning and participating.
Have a great weekend and ride safely.