Test ride 7-17-2015 on my future Rocket 3 roadster!

the way I see it you will either say "Oh Fu#k Yeah this is better than Sex" or you will say "Bloody Hell it Too powerful for me" but I am betting on the first option ..... what ever you do .... don't crack the throttle open to Quick unless you are going in a straight line and hanging the Fu#k On hard to the handlebars, also as been said the grin is permanent so warn your missus that you may have a silly grin so she doesn't think you are having an affair:D
Knowing your admitted propensity for word smithing,
are you sure that isn't more like . . .

Bedee, Bedee, Bedee, Bedee, Bedee, THE THE-AT'S ALL FOLKS!!!

I will have to take your word for it Bull as I haven't seen Porky Pig since I was a young fellar, I knew it was something like that, Porky's behind curtain proscenium prorogue always has had a inculcate effect on my childhood memories of the Saturday afternoon picture shows :thumbsup::thumbsup:
I will have to take your word for it Bull as I haven't seen Porky Pig since I was a young fellar, I knew it was something like that, Porky's behind curtain proscenium prorogue always has had a inculcate effect on my childhood memories of the Saturday afternoon picture shows :thumbsup::thumbsup:

I admit to going to the DICK-SHUNARY for the "inculcate" AND "proscenium". :( :rolleyes: :thumbsdown:
Good words I shall try to add to my senior vocab! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Welcome, I remember my first Rocket test ride, salesman I was following took off through some traffic lights, I did know my way around so I just had to give it the berries. Cackled to myself as she proceeded to try tear my arms off. Picked it up the following weekend. Still got it, still grinning. Enjoy
I never test rode my Rocket i had a little 750 honda shadow before the rocket and i just went in and purchased it . Picked it up the following weekend in the rain:eek: i nearly didnt make it people i had noooooo idea how much torque these things have . i got home parked it in the shed went inside and sat on the lounge. The mrs says to me whats wrong with you where is your new bike? its in the shed it tried to fkn kill me:cautious:
They're all right, once you ride it it's only a matte of which Rocket you buy. If it doesn't scare you. I agree with the previous comment, do,a deal before you ride because after you will just hand over whatever cash you have. Enjoy!! Welcome!!