Had a yuppie cut me off in a Tesla this afternoon. Thought that was what this discussion was about lol
Yes the ludicrous is crazy fast and the the model S I think is faster then the model 3 but I think the all wheel will pull away faster?
I’m dying to see if my bike will pull away from a dead stop faster, but wife just won’t . Perhaps one day if she sees no one around she might , I will keep you guys posted if we do.
But she let me drive it today but I had to somewhat behave my self, I was impressed it drives and handles so nice.
Maybe if I get Nev’s cams I could beat the Ludicrous one?:)
Yeah how true is that lol
Perhaps one day it will be on utub
Just seem when they do races on utub with another bike it seems that the Rocket is stock.
But I would love see with a Rocket even with my set Up I know she can take off faster then what I can do.
But it would be interesting to see a really good rider ride a Rocket at least with my set up and a really good driver driving a Model 3 dual motor from dead stop what one will pull away faster 3 out of 3 to make it fair what one would be hands down faster, Then put Nev’s cams in and see the difference.
She will never do that lol she love her Tesla, she just doesn’t want to get a speeding ticket. But one day no one around she might try to take off faster then me , but I am curious. She said when she’s not with me I can see what this Tesla can do:) Now it’s just getting it with out her in it. Perhaps then I might say holly **** and need to say to my wife your Wright again:(