Tesla Driver Using Autopilot Kills a Motorcyclist


"And this one is just right" ~ Goldilocks
Aug 13, 2017
Old Fort, NC 28762 USA
2020 3R
A Tesla driver who had set his car on Autopilot was 'distracted' by his phone before reportedly hitting and killing a motorcyclist Friday on Highway 522," adding, "The man, 56, had activated Tesla’s Autopilot feature. He was using his phone when he heard a bang as his car lurched forward and crashed into the motorcycle in front of him....
... The police report then states that though the man was ejected from his motorcycle, the Tesla became "lodged on top of him." The Tesla driver called police and EMTs, but the man died at the scene.
Got a link to that news article? Was he wearing gear? Was he drunk? Pocket bike? Harley? Was he stopped on the side of the road? Was the Tesla speeding?
No real emotions can be had here until a lot of facts are cleared up. It could be the motorcycliast fault. It could be unavoidable. Did the biker cut the Tesla off?
Honestly I'm putting money on this is a squid with no gear darting in and out of traffic causing an unavoidable incident. Nanny programs / features on a car are 10x faster at dealing with things. We all want the Tesla to be at fault but gfd most bikers are crazy stupid vs most Tesla drivers on auto pilot.
If they charge the Tesla driver with Vehicular Manslaughter it certainly will be a Benchmark case. On the cell phone while using autopilot. It’s interesting as to how to prosecute him. He is required to be able take control during an emergency. Is the cell phone law even applicable in this situation? If guilty this case may go all the way to the SCOTUS I would think. I guess the entire story will come out soon due to the Tesla’s video. I don’t like autopilot one bit at least until the EV work out the kinks. It just makes morons use it to eat, sleep and fu** while it’s activated. Interesting case I believe. If he’s guilty that is yet to be determined and if he is I hope he pays. If not Tesla can.
The Tesla case will be interesting. Even Subaru has eyesight technology to "see" if your eyes wander off looking away from the road. That feature would have automatically disengaged the Tesla auto pilot and made the driver wake up. I'm pretty sure the driver will be the one to pay for his mistake. It was HIS fault.