The old argument, ABS is not necessary because you can stop shorter without it. It's been tested, and only a highly skilled rider can do so consistently, throw in rain or anything that makes the road less gripy and the ABS bikes win hands down.
While that is FACTUALLY true, in reality, with various surfaces and in the real world with traffic, pot holes, animals, and other riders to think about plus corner speeds, gear changes, braking points etc, electronic aids help riders go faster with less work. There are obviously plenty of people who can ride without those aids, all of us on this board for example, it doesn't mean everyone wouldn't benefit from said aids. In fact, if you look at the reviews on the 2015 1000cc sportbikes, one universal truth among all the electronically aided bikes, is the reviewers feel more comfortable pushing the limits with the help of the aids, and at the end of the day I think everyone would appreciate being able to push harder with a higher margin of safety. If done right the aids are nearly invisible to the rider until you get way out over the limit.
That said, an analogue bike does have it's advantages....
Edit: 1 thing you absolutely can't with your right hand..launch control as in PIN it open hold it and pop the clutch getting a consistent and nearly optimal launch every...single...time. If it was just throttle control pro level drag racing wouldn't have 2 steps, both cars and bikes.
Edit2: I would add that these "gimicks" would be even more useful on a built rocket than on any 1000cc bike in existence, the sportbikes transmit everything to the rider, you get incredible feedback from the bike, where the rocket can numb some things out by the overwhelming feeling of torque at full power.