tastie new bits from milan show

This caught my eye... EICMA 2015: Victory Unveils Project 156-Based Production Engine In Concept Bike


Just looking at the radiator shroud and engine you can tell Victory and Indian are owned by the same company its kind of a victory and scout morphed together . Is cool looking though
It's not the flat paint that has me scratching my head, it is the weird bright cherry red splat on the front fender. My r3r is the flat black and I think the stripes compliment it nicely, but that splat of red paint is bizarre to say the least

Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone who has the flat color, I was just making a general statement about all of the newer bikes with the flat paints. I'm more of a traditional "glossy paint and chrome" guy, but I know many now think that look is dated...
Sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone who has the flat color, I was just making a general statement about all of the newer bikes with the flat paints. I'm more of a traditional "glossy paint and chrome" guy, but I know many now think that look is dated...

No offense taken! To each their own. I do miss the shine of the gloss myself :(

As for the new naked R1, a buddy of mine said it looked like johnny number 5.

I almost died of laughter. I do think it looks cool though
That Diavel and R1 Naked are ****ing sexy. I really love them, and I toyed with the idea of trading in the R3R for a top tier Diavel, then realized, there isn't a whole lot of room to increase Diavel performance, and in the long run, the R3R will end being faster after a few more mods.

Ducati and Victory both look tempting, but being a R3 rider already, I'm afraid the bikes will feel small and I'll miss the grunt.
I tend to forget what a monster I ride, because I'm all to used to it to realize. But last time I sat on a tuned 750cc Africa Twin, and I did remember that one to be a rather big bike from the old times. It felt like an anaemic toy for kids now! Really amazing.

So, concerning 1200cc and 1300cc twins, even exploited to 150hp at the crank ... looks like they will be having a hard time to replace our big mother of all cruisers. Personally I'll wait for the new Rocket and hope for traction control, a better chassis and 2500cc.
is there some rumor of a new rocket... trac control, cruise etc like on the NEW speed triples etc ? it wasnt at this milan show

I dont think anything has been confirmed about the next generation. I remember reading somewhere on the board that they were apart of a focus group and they were asking questions about bigger engine etc, I'm sure someone else has more details than me haha
Ducati and Victory both look tempting, but being a R3 rider already, I'm afraid the bikes will feel small and I'll miss the grunt.
I tend to forget what a monster I ride, because I'm all to used to it to realize. But last time I sat on a tuned 750cc Africa Twin, and I did remember that one to be a rather big bike from the old times. It felt like an anaemic toy for kids now! Really amazing.

So, concerning 1200cc and 1300cc twins, even exploited to 150hp at the crank ... looks like they will be having a hard time to replace our big mother of all cruisers. Personally I'll wait for the new Rocket and hope for traction control, a better chassis and 2500cc.

Yup! Pretty much anything in the cruiser/tourer category takes a backseat to the R3's powerplant and pedigree and virtually any other bike I sit or ride on these days feels like a child's toy in comparison. Are we so badly spoiled??? (I ask rhetorically.:p)
If a new ride-by-wire R3 comes out, and maintains the same or similar power plant that is still friendly to modifications, I will trade my '14 in the day the dealer will accept it for the new version. If nothing else changes, just add ride-by-wire, its enough to warrant a swap imho.