When I tour I like to carry a magnetic tank bag but they can blemish the tanks clear coat, even those with the softer undersides. I learned this the hard way with two different bags. I recently ordered a new tank leather so that I can carry my new Cortech bag without fear of damaging the finish on the tank. I received it today, just mounted it and found that the the leather and the tank bag fit perfectly together. The bag originally had a hard rubber wrapped carry handle at the front that I finally cut off after it bounced on the tank, damaging the clear coat. It is a bad design. If it were still there it would rest on the tank leather pocket.
As can be seen in the picture, the bag fits snugly between the pocket and the gauges. It is held solidly in place. It has a lanyard that attaches to the gauge bracket so when I fill the tank, I just drop the bag to the side to clear the fuel tank door. The gauges are unobstructed and I can again keep select accessories like camera, gloves, cigars, tire gauge, maps etc., within reach.
The Cortech bag retails for about $65-70. I can't recall exactly.
On the tank leather, when I had one previously, it tended to move around because the provided mounting laces stretched. This time I tied it in with non stretch, double braided wax laces and it doesn't move a bit. One can get them in any shoe store.