Sounds like your a gaffered up kidnap victim seeking a ransom!

But if that ransom sought is a dual headlight 2004-2018 Rocket III Standard/Classic/Roadster sissy bar, pillion back pad and rack then I have a couple of stock ones in the shed here in Canberra too.
@Mittzy is much closer to you though and is selling his last run of stainless Quick Detach Sissy bar kist with side plate brackets and longer fender cover bolts that fit the factory stock sissy bar to make it QD..
I also have the single headlight RIII Touring Quick Detach Longhaul sissy bar rack AND crucially the pillion backpad. I am keeping one for my own R3T but have another two, used and brand new.
These match the Triumph Longhaul Rocket III Touring accessory rider's backrest Dual and Solo Bucket seats and Riders backrest itself.