Seeing this in slow motion is way cool. It also makes me laugh and come up with all sorts of silly comments in my head. However, I won't at this time relay those childish musing.
I will say, not knowing any better, that the suspension may need an improvement. The back tire was incredibly light weight it seemed to be floating up and down quite a bit. Would a stronger shock fix that or is that even a concern?
yes the rear needs stiffening up. The Track is concrete and has sank between the expansion joints and can really upset the handling. The owners paid a fortune to make it the best track in the world and now have this issue to deal with, lots of racers are complaining.
Try taking about 5 to 8 psi out of the rear tire. It will cause more rotational drag but you have plenty of power to overcome the extra friction. It will also reduce the rear bounce over square expansion joints. Short of fixing the track any new shocks won't make that big a difference when the tire is slammed into a square edge under high load.
Try taking about 5 to 8 psi out of the rear tire. It will cause more rotational drag but you have plenty of power to overcome the extra friction. It will also reduce the rear bounce over square expansion joints. Short of fixing the track any new shocks won't make that big a difference when the tire is slammed into a square edge under high load.
I played around with quite a lot including lowering the rear tyre pressure. The biggest improvement was stiffening up the rear shock but its still to soft to counter the torque wind up of the shaft to the back wheel. I'm thinking of replacing the shock with a solid bar and using that to lower the back end, push the forks up through the triple clamps and strapping the front end. I have an airshifter to put on which will mean I can sit square on the start line, the bikes so tall keeping my left foot on the peg ready to shift gear is problematic. This will give me a lot more stability off the line and pull the 60's down. Next event is on the 25th so I have to get my finger out.