Hello Jeff, I let my dealer do the work so far and just eat the cost. I don't have much time to do these things and nowhere to do them, nor do I have the right tools any longer. However, my dealer, Triumph Manassas, was just named the Number One Triumph dealer in North America. The owner Ken and his staff have worked hard to keep me happy in the 11 months since I bought my '14 R3T there. I would love to pay less, but I am not unset with them.
On a different note, My favorite multi-brand dealer in Colorado, Fay Meyers, will at times offer free oil changes for life depending on which brand it is. I bought three Kawasakis there (A Ninja and two Jet Skis) and all three had that deal with them. So, I guess it is the luck of the draw when it comes to who runs the show.