T1292006 Sensor, Pressure, Airbox - What doe it do?

Cum hoc ergo propter hoc...i hope you've found the source of the problem
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The barometric pressure sensor should be located in calm air where it is not much hotter than ambient air. It is sensitive to fast moving air (lower pressure in fast air and lower in hot air than cold). It is located in the airbox as this met the above requirements, but only so long as there is air moving through the airbox. Remove the stock ducting and turn the box into storage and the air temperature in the box goes way up. I relocated mine. Adjacent to the TB inlets and insulated from engine heat works to keep it away from engine heat and in slowly moving air.
I always learn from your Majesty.
Excellent idea. I am about to start into my Ramair install soon. Sure would like to see a picture of where you mounted it, insulated from engine heat.
Not that I want to copy exactly what you done but will you post a picture of where you relocated it to. Thanks
It may be a dumb question do you need to relocate the sensor if you have upgraded to ramair or other filters
Thanks, you saved me a lot of grief.
Well let me see if I can say this without putting my foot in my mouth.

The map sensor is the one with the three vacuum hoses that go to the throttle bodies the sensor in the air box where the are original air filter sets is the (ats) air temperature sensor it measures the air temp going into the throttle bodies and the ecu uses that info when setting fuel ratio.
if this sensor gets to close to a real hot surface it will through off the fuel ratio.