Welcome to the site and your Captain status is approved. I wish my '05 red R3 had the black engine. Looks good!

"Du gjord en god välja med det röd. Det er hurtigt cologne." :eek: ;) :D

Nice try ;) it should be;
"Du har gjort ett gott val med den röda. Det är en snabb färg."

Not much of a choice.... There was only one -07 (Nice price) and it was red...
But I like it.

Hi albin, I have to admit that black engine with red is striking, but hides the essence I think the light engine gives. Welcome to the site and it's good to have you here.
It Hurts Your Cologne

Albin....... Don't even ask me what happened. I didn't think how anyone smells would affect the speed of their motorcycle. Thanks for the correction! Apparently your English is far superior to my Swedish!

Ride Safe
I like it cause it's nice and clean, I got caught in the rain last night and mine looks like s*** now
Sharp bike. If you never ride it, it stays nice and clean