Supercharged bike blowing oil cap off

Thanks I'll check into it.. it may be a bit before I start tearing into it.
Could take an old plug, solder or braze air chuck and hose and pressure cyls. with air and listen for leakage. Try and get piston on top and valves closed.
Crankcase pressurisation could also be leaking head gasket under pressure from high throttle openings. Is it blowing coolant as well???

How much boost are you running?
Probably 18ish
Sounds exactly like this bike. Sorry dude, but I think Scott is right. Compression test will tell. See the end of the attached video.

That's my video and my Rocket. Broken piston lands was the culprit. Your crankcase is most likely getting over pressurized by excessive blow by in one or more cylinders. Another vote for compression test here.
My bike froze in my garage (I assume) and it pushed about a half guart of oil out of the engine. I haven't gotten into it yet because I have a car engine torn down, but does this sound like maybe water leaked into the bike's oil and froze? Again, it happened after a sub zero night in this rented house with an unheated, non insulated garage.
What does bike froze mean, no antifreeze?
Need some info otherwise all you will receive are a bunch of guesses....

What do you mean by froze? Is there anti freeze in the engine or just water?? Is the engine stock? If not what mods have been done??? Does the bike have any other issues when running at normal temps. When did it spit the oil out, after a hard run hot, cold??? Did the oil come out of the dipstick or oil cap? Is there any discolouration of the coolant or engine oil?